22–23 Nov 2022
UTC timezone

This is the INDICO Page for the SRCNet Purple Team's AAI Workshop for November 2022.

Zoom Link: https://ukri.zoom.us/j/95388652045
The password will be distributed to registered participants. If you need a password, please contact Tom Dack.

The workshop topics will be:

  • Architecture of the SRC AAI
  • Authorization within SRC: Groups and beyond
  • Schemas
  • Policy and Harmonisation

You can find draft goals for the workshop on the Confluence Working Page: https://confluence.skatelescope.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=200025620

The workshop has been structured to engage with SRCNet teams in both Eastern and Western hemispheres, which has unfortunately resulted in a somewhat awkward European timetable. The final timetable will likely see some duplication of discussions between both days as a result of this, and so attendees should plan their session attendance accordingly.

Registration for this event is currently open.