1–2 Jun 2023
University of Geneva, Geneva Observatory
Europe/Zurich timezone

Self-Supervised Learning for MeerKAT Images

1 Jun 2023, 14:50
Aula (University of Geneva, Geneva Observatory)


University of Geneva, Geneva Observatory

Chemin Pegasi 51, 1290 Versoix
Data Science & Imaging Thursday afternoon


Erica Lastufka (University of Geneva)


Self-supervised techniques which leverage very large datasets have become standard in computer vision research, yet they are only now being applied to astrophysics. A major limitation is the characteristics of the data. In radio astronomy, flux values span a large dynamic range, and even the reduced size of the data in the image plane can be much larger than is typically used in computer vision problems.

This work addresses the simplified problem of radio continuum images, as observed or simulated to be observed by the SKA precursor MeerKAT. We experiment with various preprocessing steps, augmentations, and architectures to determine the optimal self-supervised learning approach for this type of data.

Our goal is to demonstrate that such techniques can produce meaningful embeddings which can serve as a starting point for many common data analysis tasks. Specifically, we examine object detection for continuum source detection, and similarity search.

Primary author

Erica Lastufka (University of Geneva)


Prof. Daniel Schaerer (University of Geneva) Marc Audard (University of Geneva) Dr Miroslava Dessauges-Zavadsky (University of Geneva) Olga Taran (University of Geneva) Dr Omkar Bait (University of Geneva) Slava Voloshynovskiy (University of Geneva) Dr Taras Holotyak (University of Geneva) Vitaliy Kinakh (University of Geneva)

Presentation materials