1–2 Jun 2023
University of Geneva, Geneva Observatory
Europe/Zurich timezone

Simulating HI Intensity Mapping for MeerKAT/SKA Mid

1 Jun 2023, 16:30
Aula (University of Geneva, Geneva Observatory)


University of Geneva, Geneva Observatory

Chemin Pegasi 51, 1290 Versoix
Science Enabling tools Thursday afternoon


Jennifer Studer


Neutral hydrogen (HI) intensity mapping makes it possible to
probe large volumes of the Universe. Since fluctuations of HI are a tracer for dark matter fluctuations, we can reconstruct the dark matter density field from HI intensity mapping. For HI intensity mapping systematics are a significant concern, therefore we need simulations to get a good understanding of their effects on the data. We are developing a simulation pipeline for interferometric intensity mapping with MeerKAT and SKA Mid. For that we use a sky catalog simulated by PINOCCHIO showing the HI intensity distribution. With Karabo we reconstruct the images we would get from an observation of line emission. This results in a three-dimensional HI intensity map which can be used to study
intermediate cosmological scales.

Primary author

Jennifer Studer


Alexandre Refregier Devin Crichton (ETH Zurich) Marta Spinelli Pascal Hitz (ETH Zurich) Pascale Berner

Presentation materials