10–11 Jun 2024
ZHAW School of Engineering
Europe/Zurich timezone

Forward Modeling of 21cm Intensity Mapping: Updates from the ETHZ Cosmology Group and the FHNW

10 Jun 2024, 14:15
TN E0.58 (ZHAW School of Engineering)

TN E0.58

ZHAW School of Engineering

Building TN Eulachpassage Technikumstrasse 71 8401 Winterthur
Data Science & Simulations Data Science & Simulations


Luis Fernando Machado Poletti Valle (ETH Zurich)

Primary authors

Luis Fernando Machado Poletti Valle (ETH Zurich) Devin Crichton (ETH Zurich) Pascal Hitz (ETH Zurich) Jennifer Studer (ETH Zurich)

Presentation materials