Richard Hughes-Jones (GEANT), Rosie Bolton (SKAO), Shaun Amy (CSIRO)
    • 1
      Welcome and Introduction to the SKA NREN
      Speaker: Richard Hughes-Jones (GEANT)

      Code of conduct: (In simple terms, please treat all participants respectfully!)

      Zoom etiquette:

      • Please mute your microphone when not speaking
      • Please raise your hand to ask a question
      • Please rename yourself to show your full name and affiliation on zoom
    • 2
      Introduction to the SKA Observatory and the Status of Construction - Joe McMullin SKAO
      Speaker: Dr Joseph McMullin (SKAO)
    • 3
      The role of SKA Regional Centres and their required capabilities - Rosie Bolton SKAO and Jesus Salgado SKAO
      Speakers: Jesus Salgado (SKAO), Dr Rosie Bolton (SKAO)
    • 4
      Networks for Global Transport of SKA Data - Richard Hughes-Jones GÉANT
      Speaker: Richard Hughes-Jones (GEANT)
    • 5
      GN4-3N the new Optical Backbone in Europe and Global Connectivity - Sebastiano Buscaglione GÉANT
      Speakers: Richard Hughes-Jones (GEANT), Sebastiano Buscaglione
    • 6
      Discussion and Future meetings
      Speaker: Shaun Amy (CSIRO)


      Suggestions for future topics

      • Overview of within-Observatory networking (SaDT)
      • Representatives from SRC projects outlining national/regional plans
      • IPv6
      • Data transfer tests between telescope sites and SRCs - current, planned, possible in future

      Next meeting: Anticipate quarterly schedule. Next meeting mid March 2022 - pending a doodle poll.