1–2 Jun 2023
University of Geneva, Geneva Observatory
Europe/Zurich timezone

SKA Science Platform: Vision and Progress

1 Jun 2023, 11:40
Aula (University of Geneva, Geneva Observatory)


University of Geneva, Geneva Observatory

Chemin Pegasi 51, 1290 Versoix
SKAO Regional Centers (SRCs) Thursday morning


Rohit Sharma (FHNW, Windisch) Arpan Das (Scientific IT & Application Support, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)


Science analysis platforms will provide scientists with an interface to software and workflows, data processing, and analysis tools and hardware in a uniform way for massive science data products. It will involve one of the most significant existing science data lakes and a complex federated computational environment. This system should not be only powerful and efficient but, also, these extremely complex features should be presented to the community in a user-friendly way. In preparation for this, the SKA Regional Centre Steering Committee (SRCSC) has initiated several prototyping activities to investigate how currently existing tooling from other instruments and fields could be leveraged to provide the infrastructure within which the SRCs will operate.
Since the scale of science platform is humongous, the assessment of existing science platforms and discussion about the vision of the project is crucial. By assessing multiple existing science platforms, a future vision has been layed out. In this talk, we will talk about the activities of team Tangerine since Jan 2023. The feedbacks from the stakeholders and science expert has been obtained and implemented in the vision document. We also talk about creation of basic astronomical workflows in domain specific workflow managers like next flow etc..

Primary authors

Rohit Sharma (FHNW, Windisch) Arpan Das (Scientific IT & Application Support, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)

Presentation materials