27–28 Jan 2025
Geographisches Institut, Universität Bern
Europe/Zurich timezone

Speeding up the Pulsar search pipeline

27 Jan 2025, 14:40
Hörsaal 001 (ground floor) (Geographisches Institut, Universität Bern)

Hörsaal 001 (ground floor)

Geographisches Institut, Universität Bern

Hallerstrasse 12, 3012 Bern
Data Science & Simulations Data Science & Simulations


Piyush Panchal (EPFL)


The SMART Pulsar survey produced Petabytes of data, only a small fraction of which has been processed for Pulsar search. Processing was done with a coarse dedispersion plan and using a simple periodicity search. An improvement in the software is required to search a larger fraction of the dataset and to conduct fine searches. We share our contributions to the GPU based implementations of these two algorithms and compare them with the commonly used PRESTO library which uses only OpenMP/MPI parallelism.

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