22–25 Mar 2010
University of Manchester
Europe/London timezone
SKA 2010 Science and Engineering meeting

The SKA Molonglo Prototype (SKAMP) Project – progress and first results

25 Mar 2010, 09:40
Whitworth Hall (University of Manchester)

Whitworth Hall

University of Manchester

Oxford street Manchester M139PL


Prof. Anne Green (University of Sydney)


The Square Kilometre Array Molonglo Prototype (SKAMP) is a project using innovative technologies to transform the scientific capabilities of the University of Sydney's Molonglo Radiotelescope, located outside Canberra. The goal is to replace the whole signal chain to produce a dual-polarisation spectrometer operating in the band 700 – 1100 MHz with an instantaneous operating bandwidth of about 100 MHz. The angular resolution of the telescope is unchanged at 45”. Spectral resolution will be 14 kHz per channel (5km/sec at 843 MHz) and continuum source sensitivity will be about 150 microJansky/beam. Key science goals will be a survey of redshifted HI to test models of galaxy assembly, the transient radio sky and studies of cosmic magnetism. A progress report is presented and some preliminary results.

Primary author

Prof. Anne Green (University of Sydney)

Presentation materials