22–25 Mar 2010
University of Manchester
Europe/London timezone
SKA 2010 Science and Engineering meeting

The spatial distribution of cold gas in hierarchical galaxy formation models

25 Mar 2010, 14:55
Whitworth Hall (University of Manchester)

Whitworth Hall

University of Manchester

Oxford street Manchester M139PL
Science from the Pathfinders and the Route to the SKA Contributed Science Talks


Mr Hansik Kim (Durham University)


The distribution of cold gas in dark matter haloes is driven by key processes in galaxy formation: gas cooling, galaxy mergers, star formation and reheating of gas by supernovae. We compare the predictions of four different galaxy formation models for the spatial distribution of cold gas. We find that satellite galaxies make little contribution to the abundance or clustering strength of cold gas selected samples, and are far less important than they are in optically selected samples. The halo occupation distribution function for central galaxies is peaked around a halo mass of 1.e+11/hM⊙, a scale that is set by the AGN suppression of gas cooling. The model predictions for the projected correlation function are in good agreement with the estimate of Meyer et al. We compare the effective volume of possible surveys with the Square Kilometre Array with those expected for an redshift survey in the near-infrared. Future redshift surveys using neutral hydrogen emission will be competitive with the most ambitious spectroscopic surveys planned in the near-infrared.

Primary author

Mr Hansik Kim (Durham University)


Dr A. J. Benson (Caltech) Dr C. G. Lacey (Duham University) Prof. C. M. Baugh (Duham University) Dr C. Power (Leicester University) Prof. C. S. Frenk (Duham University) Dr M. Schneider (Duham University) Prof. S. Cole (Duham University)

Presentation materials