22–25 Mar 2010
University of Manchester
Europe/London timezone
SKA 2010 Science and Engineering meeting

Wide-Bandwidth Polarimetry with the Allen Telescope Array

25 Mar 2010, 15:10
Whitworth Hall (University of Manchester)

Whitworth Hall

University of Manchester

Oxford street Manchester M139PL
Science from the Pathfinders and the Route to the SKA Contributed Science Talks


Dr Casey Law (UC Berkeley)


New kinds of feed design and signal processing are opening new domains in wide-bandwidth polarimetry. Wide, continuous bandwidths are particularly powerful when applied to the study of rotation measure. Mixed emitting and Faraday-rotating media can create complex frequency structure in the polarization properties of radio sources; such complexities can confuse narrow-bandwidth observations. We test and demonstrate the polarimetry capabilities of the Allen Telescope Array, a 42-element radio interferometer located in northern California. We show results from a rotation measure study of roughly 40 compact, bright polarized sources throughout the sky from 1.0 to 2.0 GHz. We establish a calibration procedure and measure the ATA's systematic polarization properties. While most rotation measures correlate well with narrow-band observations, there are a few noteworthy outliers.

Primary author

Dr Casey Law (UC Berkeley)


Prof. Bryan Gaensler (University of Sydney) Prof. Geoff Bower (UC Berkeley)

Presentation materials