22–25 Mar 2010
University of Manchester
Europe/London timezone
SKA 2010 Science and Engineering meeting

Prospects for gravitational wave detection with pulsar timing arrays

25 Mar 2010, 16:30
Whitworth Hall (University of Manchester)

Whitworth Hall

University of Manchester

Oxford street Manchester M139PL
Science from the Pathfinders and the Route to the SKA Contributed Science Talks


Dr alberto sesana (Albert Einstein Institute, Golm)


In the next decade the detection of gravitational waves (GW) will be a reality, opening a completely new window on the Universe. Massive black holes (MBH) binaries (MBHBs) are expected to be among the primary actors on this upcoming stage. Utilizing detailed MBHB population models (based on our current best understanding of galaxy formation and evolution trough mergers, and on our knowledge of the relations between MBHs and their hosts), I describe prospects of detecting GWs with forthcoming pulsar timing arrays (PTAs). A strong GW background, detectable at a level of 10-100ns timing precision, is a robust predictions of all the models. I will also discuss the prospects of resolving individual binaries, along with the issues of parameter estimation and search of potential electromagnetic counterparts.

Primary author

Dr alberto sesana (Albert Einstein Institute, Golm)

Presentation materials