18–22 Mar 2024
Eurotel Victoria - Les Diablerets
UTC timezone

Charting Cosmic Evolution: UV Background and the Persistence of HI in Galaxies for Post-EoR Simulations

21 Mar 2024, 16:50
Eurotel Victoria - Les Diablerets

Eurotel Victoria - Les Diablerets

Chemin du Vernex 3 , 1865 Les Diablerets, Switzerland
Cosmic Dawn and the Epoch of Reionization Thursday afternoon - part 2


Dr Michele Bianco (EPFL / ETH)

Primary authors

Dr Michele Bianco (EPFL / ETH) Patrick Hirling (EPFL) Prof. Yves Revaz (EPFL) Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro (INAF-Trieste / CCA-New York) Prof. Alexandre Refregier (ETH)

Presentation materials