22–23 Jan 2024
HES-SO/HE-Arc - Neuchâtel
Europe/Zurich timezone

Model and Exploratory Analysis of HI Content in the Halo Occupancy Method

22 Jan 2024, 14:40
Room 328, 3rd floor (HES-SO/HE-Arc - Neuchâtel)

Room 328, 3rd floor

HES-SO/HE-Arc - Neuchâtel

Espace de l'Europe 11 CH-2000 Neuchâtel
Data Science & Simulations Monday afternoon


Dr Michele Bianco (EPFL)

Primary authors

Dr Michele Bianco (EPFL) Patrick Hirling (EPFL) Dr Yves Revaz (EPFL) Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro (INAF-Trieste / CCA-New York)

Presentation materials