7–11 Oct 2013
Manchester, UK
Europe/London timezone
Copies of presentations are now available on the Timetable page.
The theme 'indico-weeks-view' does not exist.

Second Announcement

2013 SKA Engineering Meeting
Second Announcement
7 to 11 October 2013
Manchester, UK

Meeting website:  https://indico.skatelescope.org/event/241

 Brochure can be downloaded here
Element technical descriptions can be found here


The SKA has recently received several Proposals in response to the Request for Proposals inviting organisations and industry to participate in the design of the SKA telescope. The process of evaluating the proposals is in full swing and it is foreseen that the process of allocating work packages will be completed during the third quarter of this year. All these aspects provide an excellent opportunity and a need for the SKA engineering and science community to get together during early October in Manchester.

The aim of this meeting is to provide a global overview of the status, progress and way forward for the project in terms of engineering, management and science. Part of the meeting will be devoted to presentations on the science capabilities of the suite of SKA telescopes, incorporating input from science assessment workshops, which will have been held over the previous months.

Work Package Consortia will present an overview of the composition, people, work, concepts and approach to their particular work package. In addition the SKA Office will provide the status, progress and way forward with regards to aspects such as the Concept of Operations, hosting agreements, the baseline design, project management and system engineering. The meeting will furthermore provide a forum for interface work sessions as well as general face-to-face discussions among SKA Office staff, members of the SKA Work Package Consortia and other members of the science and engineering community.

The main meetings will be held Monday to Thursday, October 7 to 10, with additional breakout and work sessions on Thursday, 10 October and Friday, 11 October.

The first draft agenda and information on the venue and accommodation has now been published on the SKA Indico meeting website.

Please contact Jason Spyromilio or Peter Dewdney for information and/or suggestions/questions for the program.

Manchester United Football Club, Old Trafford (Manchester, UK)
Room: Salford Suite 1
Address: Sir Matt Busby Way, Old Trafford, Manchester, M16 0RA, United Kingdom

You are hereby invited to register on the meeting website. Registration will close on 13 September 2013.
More information with regards to the venue and accommodation is available on the meeting website and additional information will be added as and when it becomes available.

A meeting dinner will take place on Wednesday evening (9 October) at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester, UK. More information will be made available later.

The meeting is open to all personnel from SKA Work Package Consortia members as well as SKA committees and workgroups.

Final announcement
A final announcement will be issued during September 2013 which will provide final information and arrangements with regards to the venue and the agenda.