2–4 Sept 2024
Campus Biotech Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

We are pleased to invite you to participate to the eighth edition of the Swiss SKA days. During this exciting 3-day event we will discuss the ambitious SKA radio-astronomy project at the forefront of advanced technology and computing.

The program will include the following topics addressed in plenary and parallel sessions:

  • Updates on the SKA Observatory and precursor facilities
  • SKA Regional Centers
  • Astrophysics with the SKA and precursors
  • Computing, Simulations and Data Science
  • Instrumentation and more...

The Square Kilometer Array Observatory (SKAO) project is an international effort to build the world’s largest radio telescope, with eventually over one square kilometer of collecting area in South Africa and Australia. The SKA Days 2024 will discuss the Swiss interest and participation in this ambitious project.

The eighth Swiss SKA meeting will take place from 2-4 September 2024 at the University of Geneva (UniGe) at the Campus Biotech.

Campus Biotech Geneva
Auditorium H8-01
9 Chemin des Mines 1202 Genève Switzerland
Go to map
Registration for this event is currently open.