25–29 Jul 2011
SPDO, University of Manchester
UTC timezone

Recent imaging results with wide-band EVLA data, and lessons learnt so far

26 Jul 2011, 15:10
Lovell seminar room 3.225 (SPDO, University of Manchester)

Lovell seminar room 3.225

SPDO, University of Manchester

SPDO - Alan Turing Building, Upper Brook Street, M13 9PL


Dr Urvashi Rau (National Radio Astronomy Observatory)


The EVLA has been producing wide-band data for science observations since Fall 2010. In this talk, I will present imaging results that demonstrate our current wide-band and wide-field imaging capability. The increased dynamic-range due to wide-band imaging (using ms-mfs) and the accuracy at which both spatial and spectral reconstructions have been made will be demonstrated via the 3C286 field as well as several Galactic supernova fields with plenty of compact and extended emission across a wide field-of-view. The effect of the wide-band primary beam and its implications will be discussed, with an example that shows the near absence of a first null in the wide-band sensitivity pattern, and non-trivial sensitivity out to very wide field of view. Performance bottlenecks and factors currently limiting the dynamic range in complicated fields with extended emission will also be discussed.

Primary author

Dr Urvashi Rau (National Radio Astronomy Observatory)

Presentation materials