Software system monitor and Tango

Not scheduled
Trieste, Italy

Trieste, Italy


Mr Matteo Di Carlo (INAF)


One of the main responsibility of the TM.LMC sub-element is the ability to monitor resources and performance of TM as a computer network and as distributed application. As any other TM sub-element, TM.LMC has been decomposed into different products/applications and one of them has to be a software system monitor (SSM) like Nagios ( or Zabbix ( for the above reason. The use case is about the collaboration model between a SSM and the tango framework. From the SSM point of view, the tango framework is a list of services (the domains) and a list of processes (device servers) and in this way, it is important to monitor the health status of them. On the other hand, many times the control system built with the help of the framework has capabilities of monitoring and control and one can think to collect all the elements from the SSM and from the control system monitor everything. What is the best way to solve this? Are there any standards or best practises to adopt?

Primary author


Dr Mauro Dolci (INAF)

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