Day 1
Welcome from OAT Director : S.Borgani
Workshop Opening (Outline and Logistics) : A.Cremonini (SKAO)
Advanced TANGO Training : L. Pivetta (Instructor - ELETTRA)
We expect this day to contain training that covers all or most of these topics:
- TANGO installation (multiple installations, major releases etc..)
- TANGO database (domains, hierarchies…)
- TANGO device servers (standard servers, advanced features)
- TANGO serialization model
- TANGO access control
- Polling
- Threading, inheritance, synchronization
- Events and Alarms
- HDB++ (adavantages, architectural patterns, hierarchy, domains…)
- Naming convention + examples
Day 2 — Interactive lessons
Moderators : A.Gotz (ESRF), L. Pivetta ( ELETTRA)
- SKA-relevant TANGO use cases shall be previously evaluated and prioritised by moderators in order to provide a wide coverage. To the proposers will be asked to give a short presentation (10 min) to introduce the use case.
- Questions/open discussion
- Visit to nearby Elettra Sincrotrone* facilities (Elettra/Fermi)
* Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. is a multidisciplinary international research center, specialized in generating high quality synchrotron and free-electron laser light and applying it in materials science. Its mission is to promote cultural, social and economic growth through:
- Basic and applied research;
- Technical and scientific training;
- Transfer of technology and know-how.
Elettra Control System have been developed on TANGO
Day 3 — Building the SKA-TANGO collaboration
Moderators : A.Cremonini, J.S Vela, R. Olguin (SKAO)
- SKA roadmap (15-20 minutes)
- TANGO roadmap (20-30 minutes)
- Way forward harmonisation (rest of the session)