State/Mode/Capability implementation

Not scheduled
Trieste, Italy

Trieste, Italy


Dr Simone Riggi (INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, Italy)


Each LMC system is expected to follow the abstract SKA Control Model when defining operational states, modes and capabilities, in agreement with the prescriptions and naming conventions given in the LMC Guideline Implementation (LIG) document. It is likely that some devices (i.e. interface devices or devices in charge to map from internal to external state model) shall accommodate the state/mode/capability information. In contrast, TANGO allows only a DevState within a given device with a predefined list of state codes. The list of state codes can be extended to cover SKA convention by manually modifying TANGO IDL core components but the information is not propagated to developing tools (i.e. Pogo). During the DSH.LMC internal interface definition we therefore modeled states/modes/capability with Enum attributes (recently introduced in TANGO 9). As far as we understood it seems that the predefined state machine management (ruling allowed and forbidden commands/operation under given mode/states) is lost. Furthermore how to consider the predefined TANGO state and status information? Do we simply ignore them in the device implementation phase?

Primary author

Dr Simone Riggi (INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, Italy)

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