2016 SKA Engineering Meeting Payment
We are making the final arrangements for the 2016 SKA Engineering Meeting. In order to ensure a smooth and pleasant conference for everyone, we need to confirm numbers with the venue for catering and logistics purposes and can only do that based on registrants who actually paid the registration fee.
If you have not paid as yet, please make arrangements to pay as soon as possible on the conference webpage on Indico: https://indico.skatelescope.org.
If you would prefer not to use PayPal for your registration payment, you can also make a transfer directly to our account:
Account name: SKA Organisation
Account number: 68255098
Sort code: 60-15-29
IBAN: GB98 NWBK 6015 2968 2550 98
Please indicate your full name and 'SKA2016ENG' in the reference.
Once registration is closed two alternative routes to pay instructions will be available.
Route A
1. Close all browser windows
2. Open a window and browse to https://indico.skatelescope.org.
3. Click "Login" at the top right.
4. Login.
5. Now click on the Engineering Meeting link on the right.
6. Now click on "Modify My Registration" on the left and then on the "Modify" button at the bottom.
7. Click the ‘Checkout’ blue button with the white arrow
8. Click the ‘Pay Now’ button
9. Click the Pay’ orange button to pay via PayPal
10. You are done!
Route B
1. Click on the above link to the conference website
2. Click on Registration
3. Click on the ‘View or modify your already registration’ link. Your details should appear
4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click the blue ‘Modify’ button
5. Click the ‘Checkout’ blue button with the white arrow
6. Click the ‘Pay Now’ button
7. Click the Pay’ orange button to pay via PayPal
8. You are done!
The above routes will only work if you are already registered.
If you have made a payment in the last few hours, it might take a bit of time for the payment to be reflected on Indico.
If you are no longer able to attend, please let us know so we can remove you from the list of registrants.
Please direct any queries to: skaeng2016-eoc@skatelescope.org