Oct 1 – 6, 2016
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Welcome Reception & Conference Dinner

Welcome Reception

The Welcome Reception will take place on Sunday 2nd October at Welterwreden and is being sponsored by SKA South Africa.

Welterwreden is a beautifuuly restored homestead with heritage status situated in the heart of the Stellenbosch winelands.


Transport to the event will be provided.

For those wishing to bring partners/family, please email skaeng2016-eoc@skatelescope.org to book a place.  Cost will be R450/£22.50 and can be paid at registration by card or cash.


Conference Dinner

The Conference Dinner will take place on Tuesday 4th October at Moyo Kirstenbosch in  Cape Town.

Moyo prides itself on an unique African dining experience and is nestled inside Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens situated at the foot of Table Mountain.


Transport to the event will be provided.

For those wishing to bring partners/family, please email skaeng2016-eoc@skatelescope.org to book a place.  Cost will be R600/£30 and can be paid at registration by card or cash.