Jul 23 – 26, 2019
SKA Global Headquarters
Europe/London timezone

Brexit and travel to SKA HQ

Information from the SKA General Science Meeting and Key Science Workshop 2019:

As will be well known, the UK is in the process of negotiating its withdrawal from the European Union.  The negotiations are likely to proceed until the last moment, with a range of facts and speculation about consequences in the public domain. The date has already been pushed back from the 29th of March, and as of the 1st of April the UK is still a member of the EU. The deadline has recently been extended to the 31st of October. 

The UK government and the EU have reached agreement in principle that there should be a period of transition between the withdrawal point and 31 December 2020, to allow more time for negotiations on the future UK-EU relationship. During this period, EU citizens will have exactly the same rights and guarantees on travel and other matters as before the withdrawal.

If the situation changes for any reason, then we will make information available here, but please note that the situation has been changing daily so this will not necessarily be up to date. For more direct information, and any guidance that may be relevant, please visit:  https://www.gov.uk/government/brexit