6–10 May 2024
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

The most extreme z>5 AGN uncovered by RACS

8 May 2024, 16:45
Bologna, Italy

Bologna, Italy


Luca Ighina (INAF-Brera)


In this talk I will present what is now the largest statistically complete sample of $z>5$ radio-powerful AGN currently available. The sample was built starting from the RACS radio survey and its combination with the deepest wide-area optical/NIR survey. It is composed by 32 high-$z$ objects, 15 of which newly discovered by us through dedicated spectroscopic observations. I will also present several application of this sample in different contexts: from statistical studies of the whole sample, aimed at constraining the evolution of these sources in the primordial Universe as well as the degree of obscuration in theses high-$z$ systems, to the detailed multi-wavelength study of individual sources, aimed at constraining the properties of the jets and SMBHs hosted in these extreme systems. Finally, I will also show how future radio surveys performed by SKA and its precursors will allow us to push these studies to unprecedented redshifts.

In-person or online? in-person
keywords AGN, high-z, survey, multi-wavelength
Career level Student

Primary author

Luca Ighina (INAF-Brera)

Presentation materials

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