6–10 May 2024
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Conference Dinner

On behalf of the LOC, we are extremely pleased to announce the organisation of the social dinner for the SPARCS-XII conference. The dinner will take place at ristorante A Balùs in Bologna city centre at 20:00 on Wednesday 8th May 2024.

For your convenience, the address is: Via del Borgo di San Pietro 9/2A, 40126, Bologna Italy.

This will be a four-course dinner consisting of antipasto (starter), bis di primi piatti (two first dishes), secondo piatto con contorno (second dish with side), and dessert, to be followed by a coffee. The price for the dinner is 55€, to be paid at the restaurant. There is no specified dress code for the social dinner.

 We have secured some funding to offset the costs. We won't know the total per person until we have a headcount so please register, but were estimating the cost now to be closer to 30€. 

To help with the logistics, we ask that you both confirm your attendance and choose your options in advance, by no later than 19:30 CET on Monday 6th May 2024, following the welcome aperitivo. Please note that registration for the social dinner is essential to guarantee a place.


Please select between the meat and vegetarian options using the Google Form. If you are bringing a guest to the social dinner, please indicate so, and include their meal choices using the additional answers. If you have any special dietary requirements, including vegan and/or allergies, please let us know and we will advise the restaurant.


The two menu options are listed below in Italian, with accompanying translations.


Meat option:


Mortadella Artigianale Opera, salame rosa con Friggione e Parmigiano 30 mesi
Artisanal Mortadella Opera with Friggione (a sauce made from tomatoes and white onion) and Parmesan cheese (aged 30 months)


Bis di primi piatti/two first dishes:

Tortellini in crema di parmigiano
Tortellini in parmesan cream sauce

Tagliatelle al ragù
Tagliatelle with ragù


Secondo piatto e contorno/second dish and side dish:

Arrosto di Mora Romagnola con salsa al Sangiovese
Roast Mora pork with Sangiovese sauce

Patate al Forno e Verdure di stagione
Oven-roast potatoes and seasonal vegetables



Torta tenerina al cioccolato con crema di Mascarpone
Chocolate cake with mascarpone cream


Vegetarian option:


Tortino di Ricotta con funghi e fonduta di parmigiano
Ricotta tart with mushrooms and small parmesan fondue


Bis di primi piatti/two first dishes:

Lasagne vegetariane
Vegetarian lasagna

Tagliatelle verdi all’ortica con friggione
Green tagliatelle with friggione


Secondo piatto e contorno/second dish and side dish:

Millefoglie di melanzane con mozzarella e basilico
Eggplant millefoglie with mozzarella and basil

Patate al Forno e Verdure di stagione
Oven-roast potatoes and seasonal vegetables



Torta tenerina al cioccolato con crema di Mascarpone
Chocolate cake with mascarpone cream