6–10 May 2024
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

The MIGHTEE continuum survey: cross-matching, source classification and science results

7 May 2024, 12:10
Online / Virtual

Online / Virtual

Talk Surveys


Imogen Whittam (University of Oxford / University of the Western Cape)


MIGHTEE is a galaxy evolution survey currently underway with the MeerKAT radio telescope. Once complete, the survey will cover 20 square degrees in four fields to a depth of ~2 uJy rms/beam at 1.3 GHz, providing a unique combination of depth and breath. Crucially, the MIGHTEE fields have excellent multi-wavelength coverage, enabling a full census of galaxy properties.
I will describe recent work identifying multi-wavelength counterparts for the sources detected in MIGHTEE Early Science data (Whittam et al., 2024) and provide an update on the work currently in progress cross-matching the full MIGHTEE survey. I will then outline the methods used to classify the MIGHTEE sources into different source types (e.g. AGN, SFG) using the extensive multi-wavelength information available, and the insights this gives us into the nature of the faint radio source population (Whittam et al., 2022).
Finally, I will highlight some recent science results from the MIGHTEE continuum survey. This will include the properties of the radio galaxies in the field; in particular, I will discuss whether or not there is evidence for a dichotomy in the accretion rates of high-excitation and low-excitation radio galaxies, and the implications this has for the role radio galaxies play in galaxy evolution.

In-person or online? online
keywords survey overview, cross-matching, AGN, radio galaxies, source classification
Career level ECR

Primary authors

Imogen Whittam (University of Oxford / University of the Western Cape) Catherine Hale (University of Oxford) Matt Jarvis (Oxford University / University of the Western Cape) Ian Heywood (University of Oxford)

Presentation materials

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