6–10 May 2024
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Update on the The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey

7 May 2024, 09:55
Online / Virtual

Online / Virtual

Talk Surveys


Timothy Shimwell (Leiden University)


The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey is an ongoing deep low frequency survey of the entire northern sky. In 2022 we released LoTSS-DR2 which consisted of images and data products covering about 1/4 of the northern sky. Since then we have gathered a vast amount more data and by mid 2024 LoTSS observations will be over 85% complete with 15,000hrs and 20PB of data recorded. In this talk I shall provide an update on LoTSS including survey progress, challenges, plans for the next data release and ambitions to build upon LoTSS once the upgrade to LOFAR is complete in 2025.

In-person or online? unsure
keywords survey overview
Career level Mid-Senior

Primary author

Timothy Shimwell (Leiden University)

Presentation materials

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