6–10 May 2024
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Radio continuum and HI 21-cm line emission from M51 analogs observed with SKA

6 May 2024, 17:05
Bologna, Italy

Bologna, Italy


Dr Masoumeh Ghasemi Nodehi (Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory)


Atomic hydrogen (HI), a component of galactic gas, is essential to many astrophysical processes. In particular, mapping the HI atomic gas in and around galaxies is crucial to explore the physical conditions under which massive star formation is quenched throughout cosmic time and to analyze the feeding and feedback scenario in the traditional models of galaxy history. Sensitive SKA observations provide the first practical chance to investigate the untouched topic of HI in galaxies at higher redshifts. We simulate the HI maps of high- z galaxies whose present-day HI emission characteristics and SFR are like those of nearby galaxies such as M51. To further investigate the potential of proposed surveys in mapping HI in this galaxy at high-z, the simulations adopt the SKA configurations and sensitivities. Additionally, the study also simulates the evolution of thermal and non-thermal radio continuum (RC) emission on kpc scales within the redshift range of 0.15 < z < 3. The objectives of this research are to examine: a) the structures of thermal and non-thermal emission on kpc scales, b) the evolution of the thermal fraction and synchrotron spectrum at mid-radio frequencies, and c) the capability of the SKA1-MID reference survey in detecting RC emitting structures.

In-person or online? in-person
keywords Simulation for SKA, HI, Radio Continuum
Career level ECR

Primary author

Dr Masoumeh Ghasemi Nodehi (Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory)


Dr Fatemeh Tabatabaei (Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Instituto de Astrofısica de Canarias, Max-Planck-Institut fur Astronomie) Dr Elizabeth A. K. Adams (ASTRON, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen) Dr Mark Sargent (University of Sussex, International Space Science Institute (ISSI))

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