25–29 Jul 2011
SPDO, University of Manchester
UTC timezone

Fast W-Projection Gridding on GPUs

27 Jul 2011, 08:40
Lovell seminar room 3.225 (SPDO, University of Manchester)

Lovell seminar room 3.225

SPDO, University of Manchester

SPDO - Alan Turing Building, Upper Brook Street, M13 9PL


Dr John Romein (Stichting ASTRON)


In this talk, I will report on a novel way to implement W-projection gridding on GPUs. This method is several times faster than existing GPU gridders, because it needs significantly fewer accesses to the relatively slow GPU memory. I will show how gridding on an eight-GPU system is typically 250 times faster than on a regular dual-CPU server, and over 20 times more energy-efficient. The algorithm is programmed in both CUDA and OpenCL, which I will briefly compare. I will also compare and explain the enormous performance differences between GPUs from Nvidia and AMD.

Primary author

Dr John Romein (Stichting ASTRON)

Presentation materials