25–29 Jul 2011
SPDO, University of Manchester
UTC timezone

How small can you get?

28 Jul 2011, 10:30
Lovell seminar room 3.225 (SPDO, University of Manchester)

Lovell seminar room 3.225

SPDO, University of Manchester

SPDO - Alan Turing Building, Upper Brook Street, M13 9PL


Dr Anita Richards (UK ARC Node, JBCA)


e-MERLIN and ALMA are currently operating with 5-15 antennas, up to about 10,000 spectral channels and integration times around one second. The high resolution is useful for debugging during commissioning but produces data sets up to a TB which take hours to process on a desktop at the high end of what is currently commonly available. These data volumes are, of course, but a drop in the ocean compared with SKA data or even the full operation of ALMA. Conventional expressions for time- and bandwidth-smearing (including phase-rate and spectral index effects) can be used to estimate how much averaging is possible in imaging. I will present progress towards guidelines for how much data averaging is worthwhile without degradation, for various kinds of data, during calibration, imaging and continuum subtraction.

Primary author

Dr Anita Richards (UK ARC Node, JBCA)

Presentation materials