25–29 Jul 2011
SPDO, University of Manchester
UTC timezone

Calibration pipelines for ASKAP

25 Jul 2011, 15:20
Lovell seminar room 3.225 (SPDO, University of Manchester)

Lovell seminar room 3.225

SPDO, University of Manchester

SPDO - Alan Turing Building, Upper Brook Street, M13 9PL


Dr Maxim Voronkov (CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science)


The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) is fundamentally a real-time telescope given the data rate from the correlator to the central processor of 2.5 GB/s. The calibration pipelines have to keep up with observations and produce a solution on time scales shorter than the time required for calibration data acquisition. We have previously prototyped the calibration pipelines within the ASKAPsoft's master-worker framework. The prototype implements a straight forward least square solver with an option to have distributed calculation of the normal equations. It is also easily configurable for different types of measurement equation (e.g. to get gain or polarisation leakage pipelines). However, the performance of the first prototype was found inadequate for real-time operations. Here we present a new approach based on pre-computing the sums in the expression for the elements of normal matrix during the first iteration. This approach led to a five times higher performance of the gain calibration while the overall structure of the code had been retained.

Primary author

Dr Maxim Voronkov (CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science)


Dr Ben Humphreys (CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science) Dr Tim Cornwell (CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science)

Presentation materials