Outline of Programme
Venue: Wenner-Gren Centre, Sveavägen 166, 113 46 Stockholm
DAY 1 (Monday 24th August) {Chair: Jeff Wagg}
0830 Registration
0900 Introductory talk from office (setting the scene for discussion, outlining process, working principles and procedures) [Robert Braun] (slides) (video)
1000 Question & Answer
1100 Continuum (e.g. galaxies/AGNs, galaxy clusters) [Isabella Prandoni] (slides) (video)
1125 Cosmology [Mario Santos] (slides) (video)
1150 Cradle of life (e.g. planet formation, complex molecules, SETI) [Melvin Hoare] (slides)(video)
1215 Epoch of reionization / cosmic dawn [Jonathan Pritchard] (slides) (video)
1240 LUNCH
1340 Extragalactic molecular spectroscopy [Mark Sargent] (slides) (video)
1405 HI galaxy science (e.g. extragalactic emission & absorption) [Martin Meyer] (slides) (video)
1430 High Energy Cosmic Particles [Stijn Buitink] (slides) (video)
1455 Magnetism [Russ Taylor] (slides) (video)
1520 Our Galaxy (e.g. star formation, evolved stars, HI & continuum) [Mark Thompson] (slides) (video)
1615 Pulsars [Gemma Janssen] (slides) (video)
1640 Solar/Heliospheric physics [Divya Oberoi] (slides) (video)
1705 Transients [J-P. Macquart] (slides) (video)
1730 VLBI [Ivan Agudo & Hiroshi Imai] (slides-part1) (video-part1) (slides-part2) (video-part2)
1830 Welcome reception at Albanova Building (15 minutes walk from the Wenner-Gren Centre, low res map, full res map)
** Presentations by science area are scheduled for 20mins plus 5mins question time. The intention is for the presentations on this day to seed the discussion of the subsequent days, by coordinating with the attendees, and with the broader science working groups, the notional Key Science Projects from the various science areas (the ‘big’ questions and the ways to address them, potential commensality, maximising science return, etc).
DAY 2 (Tuesday 25th August)
0900 Discussion in breakout groups
1100 Discussion in breakout groups
1230 LUNCH
1330 Discussion on Commensality (ALL)
1430 Discussion in breakout groups
1530 Discussion in breakout groups
1800—2000 Reception, including drinks and buffet in Stockholm City Hall (hosted by the City of Stockholm), followed by a guided tour of the building. The City Hall's Blue and Golden Halls are famous as the locations of the Nobel Prize award ceremony banquet and ball. Please note the building is 3km away from the Wenner-Gren Centre and the reception starts 18:00 prompt (late participants will not be admitted). Please let us know in advance of the meeting if you will not be attending this function, it is assumed all participants will be present (low res map, full res map).
** Discussion on this day to focus on the three objectives listed below, and include preparation of specific use cases.
DAY 3 (Wednesday 26th August)
0900 Discussion in breakout groups
1100 Discussion in breakout groups
1230 LUNCH
1330 Discussion on Commensality (ALL)
1430 Discussion in breakout groups
1530 Discussion in breakout groups
** Discussion on this day to focus on the three objectives listed below, and include preparation of specific use cases.
DAY 4 (Thursday 27th August) {Chair: Evan Keane}
0900 VLBI [Zsolt Paragi + TBD] (slides) (video) (Summary)
0925 Transients [Michael Rupen] (slides) (video)
0950 Solar/Heliospheric physics [Divya Oberoi] (slides) (video) (Summary)
1015 Pulsars [Andrea Possenti] (slides) (video)
1110 Our Galaxy (e.g. star formation, evolved stars, HI & continuum) [Grazia Umana] (slides) (video) (Summary)
1135 Magnetism [Sui Ann Mao] (slides) (video) (Summary)
1200 High Energy Cosmic Particles [Justin Bray] (slides) (video)
1225 HI galaxy science (e.g. extragalactic emission & absorption) [Erwin de Blok] (slides) (video) (Summary)
1250 LUNCH
1350 Extragalactic molecular spectroscopy [Rob Beswick] (slides) (video) (Summary)
1415 Epoch of reionization / cosmic dawn [Cath Trott] (slides) (video)
1440 Cradle of life (e.g. planet formation, complex molecules, SETI) [Andrew Siemion] (slides) (video) (Summary)
1530 Cosmology [Xuelei Chen] (slides) (video) (Summary)
1555 Continuum (e.g. galaxies/AGNs, galaxy clusters) [Minh Huynh & Rosella Cassano] (slides) (video) (Summary)
1620 Talk describing the next steps from office [Robert Braun] (no slides) (video)
** Presentations by science area are scheduled for 20mins plus 5mins question time. The intention on this day is for the presentations to summarise the previous days breakout discussions, specifically addressing high level objectives, commensality, collaborations, any community interests, data pipelines & products, all against the three workshop aims (described below)
Optional Day 5 (Friday 28th August) Day trip to Chalmers University & Onsala (see separate page, notification of interest required by 24th July)
Workshop Aims
There are likely to be 2 or 3 annual KSP workshops before KSP proposals are formally submitted and this is only the first. It should be emphasised that attendance of this or any other KSP workshop is not a prerequisite for KSP leadership or participation.
- Further develop KSP concepts
- A notional KSP list has emerged from the SKA1 Science prioritization process, but this is only a representative placeholder, and will be continually reviewed.
- This workshop aims to provide a forum for open discussion of KSP concepts, reviewing the notional list and identifying missing concepts.
- Support development of potential KSP collaborations
- There will ultimately be a competitive process of KSP proposal submission, evaluation and allocation, implying that all discussions at this stage are informal and come with no guarantees.
- This workshop aims to provide a forum for the key areas of interest of particular communities to be presented, leadership aspirations to begin to be identified and resourcing strategies to begin development.
- Maximizing commensality
- It is likely that the same data stream will serve multiple KSP or PI-led groups, each with limited data rights to address specific scientific objectives.
- This workshop aims to provide a forum for early discussion of support for such commensal programs, including the development of efficient survey strategies intending to maximise the scientific return of the KSP package.