Aug 24 – 27, 2015
Wenner-Gren Center
Europe/Stockholm timezone

This four day workshop will explore the capabilities of SKA Phase 1 within the context of notional 'Key Science Projects', large scale collaborative projects addressing key scientific questions with significant legacy value. Building on the extensive efforts formulating science goals to date, and engaging new forums, this workshop will initiate the development of objectives and collaborations, the start of a 3 year timeline that will conclude with a formal call for projects.

2015 KSP Workshop Aims
There are likely to be 2 or 3 annual KSP workshops before KSP proposals are formally submitted and this is only the first. Attendance of this or any other KSP workshop is not a prerequisite for KSP leadership or participation.

  • Further develop KSP concepts
    • A notional KSP list has emerged from the SKA1 Science prioritization process, but this is only a representative placeholder, and will be continually reviewed.
      • This workshop aims to provide a forum for open discussion of KSP concepts, reviewing the notional list and identifying missing concepts.
  • Support development of potential KSP collaborations
    • There will ultimately be a competitive process of KSP proposal submission, evaluation and allocation, implying that all discussions at this stage are informal and come with no guarantees.
      • This workshop aims to provide a forum for the key areas of interest of particular communities to be presented, leadership aspirations to begin to be identified and resourcing strategies to begin development.
  • Maximizing commensality
    • It is likely that the same data stream will serve multiple KSP or PI-led groups, each with limited data rights to address specific scientific objectives.
      • This workshop aims to provide a forum for early discussion of support for such commensal programs, including the development of efficient survey strategies intending to maximise the scientific return of the KSP package.



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