2019 SKA Shanghai Meeting Payment
We are making the final Meeting arrangements and to ensure a smooth and pleasant conference experience for everyone, we need to confirm numbers with the venue for catering and logistics purposes. Confirmed numbers are based on paid registrations.
If you have not yet paid, please do so as soon as possible from the below options.
Registration Fee:
£300 per person(international participants)
£150 per person(domestic participants - only if authorised by SKA China Office)
Conference Banquet 25th November:
£60 per person
Site Visits and Tours:
River Tour: £20
FAST Site Visit (details below in what this includes): £75
- Car Rental/Transportation
- Accommodation per person / per day
- Dining per person / per day
BACS Transfer
You can make a direct transfer:
Account name: SKA Organisation
Account number: 68255098
Sort code: 60-15-29
IBAN: GB98 NWBK 6015 2968 2550 98
Please indicate your full name and 'SKA2019ENG' in the reference, along with further reference of any social activities/site visits that you will be attending. Once paid, please email skaengcon19-eoc@skatelescope.org to advise payment so we can look out for it in the bank.
Credit Card
A credit card payment option is available via iZettle. It's an easy 2-step process:
1. Request an invoice by sending an email to skaengcon19-eoc@skatelescope.org and include the following information:
- Registrants Name
- What you would like to be invoiced for
- Postal Address of Credit Card to be used
- Email that invoice is to be sent to (if not your own)
- Any additional information your institution may require on the invoice
2. An invoice will be emailed to you which will include a link to pay by credit card.
If you require a receipt for either payment method, please email skaengcon19-eoc@skatelescope.org